These are dreadful times but one of the saviours has been technology. This has meant that Research Through People have been able to do Family History talks, on Zoom, all over the country, in England, Scotland, Wales and Ireland. If you’d like us to come and talk to your club or organisation, we would be very happy to do so.
There has been a tremendous growth of interest in the last few years, with TV programmes like Who Do You Think You Are? and House Through Time. Typically, our talks are tailored to include things that will be of interest to that audience.
What will we talk about?
- What is Family History?
- Living locally & worldwide
- Walking in your Ancestors’ Footsteps
- Examples
- Questions
Surnames and Background

The Origin of Surnames is a topic that many people are interested in. We encourage you to send us the surnames of some of the people who will be at the talk. We then include a slide about their likely origin
Where our ancestors lived will have had a big influence on their lives. So, we include historical and other information about the county or area where the audience lives.
Records and Examples
We show examples of the main types of Family History records, such as Birth, Marriage and Death Certificates; and the Census.
The examples we use start with a family from the area where the talk is. We will show their ancestry going back in time, including where they lived and maybe details such as occupations. But many people will have come to the area from other parts, and may have relatives from countries outside the UK. So, we include other examples of the stories such ancestors tell.
Ancestor Footsteps

A key objective is to bring the person’s ancestors to life. So, we include other sources such as newspapers; or topics such as ancestors killed in World War One. In Scotland, we might talk about the Clans. We have organised some very interesting trips for descendants to go back to their roots, where their ancestors lived centuries ago.
So that gives you a flavour of our ‘Family History and Surnames’ talks. We would be very happy to tailor the talk to include any topic that you would like, in addition to the local examples that we have. Many clubs have invited guests who were attracted by the subject of Family History.
All set for your ancestral journey; navigate directly to our contact page and fill in your research query.